Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 183


Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 183--Relative to a sister state relationship with the State of Jalisco, Mexico/Relacion de hermandad con el Estado de Jalisco, Mexico.

[Filed with Secretary of State September 18, 2000]

WHEREAS, Governor Alberto Cardenas and the Legislature of the State of Jalisco, United Mexican States, have demonstrated goodwill to the people of California, hosting a visit by the California delegation of legislators on August 4 through August 6, 1999; and

WHEREAS, The State of California and the State of Jalisco, United Mexican States, share a mutually beneficial economic relationship that includes trade , investments, and commerce in the areas of high technology manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, and other important industries; and

WHEREAS, Generations of people from the State of Jalisco reside in the State of California, belonging to numerous hometown associations from the State of Jalisco and representing the most populous Mexican community in the State of California; and

WHEREAS, The people and cultural heritage of the State of Jalisco have enriched art and culture in the State of California in a variety of ways, including a stone kiosk donated to the City of Los Angeles by Governor Cardenas as a symbol of goodwill and cultural interchange, the naming of the State of California by Governor Cardenas as the honored guest of the Sixth International Mariachi Festival held in the Capitol City of Guadalajara from August 28 through September 5, 1999, and the commemoration of the "Day of the Jalisciense Abroad" in the State of Jalisco to strengthen ties with the Mexican community in the United States; and

WHEREAS, The State of California and State of Jalisco have supported cooperative research by universities in California and Jalisco to promote bilateral economic development and to stimulate employment in Mexican immigrant-sending communities, thereby providing mutual benefit to the people of the State of California and the State of Jalisco; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That the Legislature of the State of California, on behalf of the people of the State of California, extends to the people of the State of Jalisco in Mexico an invitation to join with the State of California in a sister state relationship (relacion de hermandad con el Estado de Jalisco, Mexico) in order to encourage and facilitate mutually beneficial educational, economic, and cultural exchanges; and be it further

Resolved, That it is the intent of the Legislature through a sister state relationship with the State of Jalisco:


  • To promote the economic growth and well-being of small, medium, and large companies in California by increasing their potential for trade and investment with the State of Jalisco.



  • To provide a forum for sustained goodwill and cooperation between the elected leaders of the State of California and the State of Jalisco.



  • To promote bilateral ties that lead to a more indelible and lasting relationship between the citizens of California and the citizens of Jalisco; and be it further Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the Governor of California, to the Governor of Jalisco, to the State Congress of Jalisco, and to each Senator and Representative from California in the Congress of the United States.