Statement of Purpose

The California International Relations Foundation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation that has been organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation provides assistance to the California State Senate in furthering the exchange of economic, educational and cultural information between government leaders and other citizens of foreign countries and Members of the California Legislature and other citizens of California.

Such exchanges include, but are not limited to, information relating to government, trade and commerce, agriculture, tourism, technology, environment, and the arts.

The Foundation provides for these exchanges by helping the California State Senate arrange and host substantive programs in California for international delegations. The programs include appointments with government and private sector officials on specific subjects; visits to various locales that showcase California's unique characteristics; and social activities that encourage cooperation through more informal discussion and communication.

The Foundation is funded by private donations from businesses and individuals who are interested in forging stronger ties between California leaders and leaders in other countries; strengthening California's economic role in the international arena; and furthering cultural and educational exchanges between California and other countries.

Under the governing documents of this Foundation, its funds may only be expended in conjunction with meetings, activities, or events held within the State of California and attended by government leaders and citizens of foreign countries who are making official visits to the California State Senate.