International Delegations


Each year, delegations comprised of dignitaries and representatives from many different countries make official visits to the California Senate.  Many of these visits are efforts to learn more about a particular topic of interest as well as to promote trade and investment opportunities between California and their respective nations.   Often times, these visitors are government or business officials who typically stay 2-10 days in California. 

Participants come to study a wide range of subjects, featuring California’s many assets.  Some of the more high priority topics of interest include the state’s government and legislative process, its budget and finance methodology; as well as California’s successful standings in the fields of technology, international trade, higher education, energy and environment, and international relations.

This office works closely with a variety of sponsoring organizations to create substantive programs for visiting delegations. These organizations include the U.S. State Department's International Visitor Leadership Program, the University of California and State University systems, the California Consulate Corps, nonprofit organizations, such as the National Conference of State Legislatures and the Asia Foundation among others, as well as the visitors' own governments.

To see summaries and highlights of visiting delegations for each year, click on the links on the left.