Click on the link for the 2014 International Visitors Summary
Highlights of 2014 visitors:

August 18, 2014:


Eight Councillors (members) from the National Diet (parliament) of Japan and the newly established Japan-California Parliamentary Friendship were recognized on the Senate floor.  Their visit to California was to revitalize the relationship between Japan and the US through discussions regarding education, politics and the economy. 

June 19, 2014:


Twelve members of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Northern California (JCCNC) and the Japan Business Association of Southern California (JBA) were recognized on the floor during Senate session, after participating in their annual trip to the Capitol to discuss trade and investment opportunities.  

June 18-19, 2014:


The Honorable Andreu Mas-Colell, Minister of Economy and Knowledge from Catalonia, Spain, visited the Capitol and was recognized, along with eleven other government officials, on the Senate floor.  The purpose of his visit was to further develop the relationship between Catalonia and California.

May 27, 2014:


Ten members from the Parliament of Pakistan were recognized on the Senate floor during their visit to the Capitol, where they studied the social, political and economic issues of the State, as well as oversight and accountability within government. 

May 15, 2014:


Mr. Jacek Kastelaniec, Director General of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation in Poland, was introduced during Senate floor session.  His visit to the Capitol focused on meeting with members, and raising awareness about the Foundation and its work of preserving the memory of the Holocaust. 

May 15, 2014:


The Honorable Ana del Carmen Valenzuela, Consul General of El Salvador in San Francisco, and The Honorable Walter Eduardo Durán Martinez, Consul General of El Salvador in Los Angeles, were recognized on the Senate floor.  They visited the Capitol to meet with legislators and further develop the relationship between El Salvador and California. 

March 24, 2014:


Ten European Parliament staff members from the European Union were recognized during Senate floor session.  They visited the Capitol to study issues related to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP).  

February 6, 2014:


The Honorable Christy Clark, Premier of British Columbia, Canada, was recognized during Senate floor session and addressed the Members of the Senate from the Dais.  She was accompanied by three staff members.  

February 3, 2014:


Mr. Emmanuel Audelo Enriquez, Arts advocate and U.S. State Department’s International Visitors Leadership Program Gold Star Alumnus, was introduced during Senate floor session.  His visit to the Capitol was to develop and promote greater cultural understanding and exchange, and build a stronger cross-border partnership with California.