Relative to New South Wales, Australia.
SCR 19, Brulte. New South Wales: sister state status.
This measure would extend an invitation to the people of the State of New South Wales, Australia, to join California as a sister state, and would encourage the fostering of social, economic, educational, scientific, and cultural exchanges, in order to strengthen mutual economic ties, and improve international understanding and good will.
WHEREAS, Australia is one of the most important trading partners of California and the United States, and one of the few in the world
with which we enjoy a positive balance of trade; and
WHEREAS, New South Wales and California are the commercial, industrial, and financial centers of their respective countries, as
well as leading centers for the production of wine, films, gold, and sports and leisure activities; and
WHEREAS, New South Wales and California are the most populous states in their respective countries, and share a common language,
similar early history dominated by mining and agriculture, diverse and multicultural populations, and a Pacific Rim orientation; and
WHEREAS, California's educational community has begun to recognize the significance of Australia, through the development of university
coursework and curricula dedicated to the study of Australia at the University of California, the University of Southern California, and
the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at the University of California at San Diego; and
WHEREAS, Although New South Wales and California share a great deal in common, they are sufficiently different that both would
benefit from increased trade, investment, tourism, cultural, educational, and scientific exchanges; and
WHEREAS, The California Legislature is committed to encouraging relationships and exchanges between California and other regions of
the world in order to promote better economic ties, understanding, and peaceful relations; and
WHEREAS, Establishing and developing a sister state relationship between New South Wales and California would help achieve these
goals, and would stimulate and facilitate additional mutually beneficial exchanges; and
WHEREAS, The State of New South Wales has already passed the legislation necessary to enter into a sister state relationship with
California; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, the Assembly thereof concurring, That the Legislature, on behalf of the people of
the State of California hereby extends an invitation to the people of the State of New South Wales, Australia, to join California as a
sister state, and commit to the development of programs to foster social, economic, educational, scientific, and cultural exchanges in
order to strengthen economic ties, and improve international understanding and good will between the two states; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of this resolution to the Honorable Max Frederick Willis, President of the
Legislative Council of New South Wales, the Honorable John Henry Murray, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales, and
the Honorable Pete Wilson, Governor of California.