Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8






INTRODUCED BY Senators Costa, Figueroa, Karnette, and Vasconcellos

(Coauthors: Assembly Members Brewer, Florez, Machado, Villaraigosa, Ackerman, Alquist, Aroner, Ashburn, Baldwin, Bates, Battin, Baugh, Bock, Briggs, Calderon, Campbell, Cardenas, Cardoza, Cedillo, Corbett, Correa, Cox, Cunneen, Davis, Dickerson, Ducheny, Dutra, Firebaugh, Frusetta, Gallegos, Granlund, Havice, Hertzberg, Honda, House, Jackson, Keeley, Knox, Kuehl, Leach, Lempert, Leonard, Longville, Lowenthal, Maddox, Maldonado, Margett, Mazzoni, McClintock, Nakano, Olberg, Oller, Robert Pacheco, Rod Pacheco, Papan, Pescetti, Reyes, Romero, Runner, Scott, Shelley, Soto, Steinberg, Strickland, Strom-Martin, Thomson, Torlakson, Vincent, Washington, Wayne, Wesson, Wiggins, Wildman, Wright, and Zettel)


JANUARY 21, 1999 Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8--Relative to a sister state relationship with the State of Parana, Brazil.

LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST SCR 8, Costa. Parana: sister state relationship. This measure would extend an invitation to the people of the State of Parana, Brazil, to join with California in a sister state relationship.

WHEREAS, The State of Parana, Brazil, has expressed interest in the creation of a sister state relationship with the State of California; and

WHEREAS, South America, in general, and Brazil, in particular, rank among California's highest priorities in terms of trade and investment opportunities, according to the California Trade and Commerce Agency; and

WHEREAS, Establishing strong ties in Brazil will enhance California's position for the anticipated development of the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) over the next several years; and

WHEREAS, Brazil is making great strides toward economic liberalization and privatization of industry, and offers considerable opportunities for California firms in the fields of telecommunications, information technology and infrastructure development; and

WHEREAS, The States of California and Parana share similar historical, geographical, economic and demographic characteristics, including early periods of colonialism, temperate climates, diverse landscapes, beautiful national parks, numerous high technology centers, and large populations of immigrants who contribute to rich multicultural environments; and

WHEREAS, Parana's strategic location near the most developed economic centers of Brazil, and the capital cities of the Mercosur countries, parallels California's role as one of the most economically attractive regions of the United States; and

WHEREAS, Both states derive their economic prosperity in large measure from their roles as commercial and processing centers for expanding agricultural and ranching enterprises and from their fast-growing telecommunications industries; and

WHEREAS, Curitiba, the capital of Parana, prides itself on being the most "livable" city in Brazil, whose ecologically sustainable urban development, excellent public transportation system, quality of life, and general environmental urban design have earned it the title of United Nations Model City and Environmental Capital of Brazil; and

WHEREAS, A sister state relationship will promote an exchange of information that will assist the governments of both Parana and California in their roles of regulating the development of natural resources while limiting environmental degradation, and in the development of programs that will ensure biodiversity through participatory projects and activities; and

WHEREAS, A sister state relationship between California and Parana will facilitate the exchange of other technical, cultural and scientific knowledge of mutual interest, provide a forum for sharing legislative solutions that will enhance the socioeconomic development of both states and encourage student exchanges between colleges and universities located within California and Parana; and

WHEREAS, A sister state relationship will also promote mutual trade, commerce, and investment, and increase the potential for commercial relationships between small, medium, and large companies in California and the State of Parana; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, the Assembly thereof concurring, That the Legislature of the State of California on behalf of the people of California hereby extends to the people of the State of Parana an invitation to join with California in a sister state relationship in order to promote and assure mutually beneficial, educational, economic, environmental, scientific, and cultural exchanges that will lead to a closer relationship between Californians and the citizens of the State of Parana; and be it further

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of this resolution to the Governor of the State of Parana, to the Governor of California, and to each Senator and Representative from California in the Congress of the United States.